Foods for knee joint health:To keep your knees healthy, you need to make sure they have enough support. This is important because your knee joint can become worn down throughout everyday activities. The best way to ensure that you are getting the right amount of support for your joints is to eat well. You should consume foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, as these nutrients help prevent the onset of osteoarthritis.

Here are some of the foods that help in the maintenance of knee joint health:

Seeds and nuts

Nuts are full of nutrients, including protein, essential fatty acids and dietary fiber. They are also a good source of vitamin E, which protects your skin against harmful free radicals. Walnuts are particularly beneficial because they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which might improve the health of cartilage in your knees by reducing inflammation. Studies show that eating nuts may reduce pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis of the knee. Other types of seeds that may help keep your joints healthy include sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.


Tomatoes – These contain a chemical called lycopene which is rich in antioxidants and helps reduce the risk of heart diseases. They also have anti-inflammatory properties, fight cancer and improve eyesight. Tomatoes are good for maintaining bone density as well as not allowing calcium to be lost from your bones. The best way to eat them is raw or grilled.


Fish, particularly the oily kinds that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, may be one of your best weapons against knee osteoarthritis. Omega-3s help lower inflammation and fight diseases like heart disease and cancer. Although most experts recommend eating two servings of fish each week, you can also get these healthy fats by taking an omega-3 supplement or by adding ground flaxseed to your diet.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a great remedy for people who have knee joint problems. It has been proven to be very effective in preventing and alleviating the pain of arthritis as well as other types of joint pain. In addition to being an anti-inflammatory agent, it is also a natural lubricant that helps ease the movement within your joints. This makes it much easier for you to move around normally, decreasing your chance of falling or getting injured while walking or doing physical activity.

Beans and lentils

Beans and lentils are a rich source of protein, calcium and iron. They also contain magnesium and potassium. Legumes can strengthen your knee joint as they keep it strong and healthy.

Whole grains

By now, you’ve probably heard that whole grains are healthy. They can help lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, so it’s no surprise doctors recommend eating one serving a day. 

But did you know they can also protect your knees? 

Whole grains contain two important nutrients for knee health: magnesium and vitamin B6. Both of these nutrients have been shown to prevent or delay the development of osteoarthritis in the knees, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition. And research has found that getting just 100 milligrams (mg) more magnesium each day may decrease the risk of osteoarthritis.


Garlic is a natural antibiotic, which means it has the ability to help fight infections and bacteria naturally. Garlic can be used as an anti-inflammatory for knee joints. It also helps with circulation and enhances the effectiveness of any other supplements you may take for joint health. One way that garlic can be taken into your body is through capsules, but some people find that they cannot tolerate them well due to their odor or taste. So, another option is to chop up a clove of garlic and swallow it with a glass of water once a day. This method allows you to get all of the benefits without having to deal with the smell.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is full of flavanols which are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects on knee joint health. Several studies have found that eating dark chocolate can lower inflammation in some parts of your body, but not necessarily in all areas.

Cruciferous vegetables

If you’re looking for a way to keep your joints healthy and avoid the wear and tear of aging, adding some cruciferous vegetables to your diet may help. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Studies show that these foods may be linked to improved joint health by reducing inflammation in the body. In addition, they contain certain nutrients that are needed for flexibility in the body such as vitamin A, B6 and C.

Root vegetables

Root vegetables like carrots, beets and sweet potatoes contain abundant anti-inflammatory nutrients such as vitamins A and C and carotenoids. They also have a wealth of antioxidants that help fight free radical damage. These vegetables are rich in fiber, which helps move waste out of the body through bowel movements. Fiber can also help reduce inflammation by binding with bile acids, lowering the level of cholesterol throughout your body. Legumes such as peas, beans and lentils are another excellent source of fiber.

Root vegetables are good for your joints. While you can get the nutrients from the foods themselves, it is probably better to take supplements in pill or liquid form. You should talk to your doctor before starting any supplement regimen.


Go to the kitchen and get some of the following foods: 1) Raw almonds

2) Spinach

3) Broccoli

4) Pumpkin seeds

5) Natural yogurt (with live culture)

6) Kale

7) Asparagus. 

Wash these vegetables well before you eat them. Combine all of them into a salad or simply sprinkle some on your dinner plate. For example, you can sauté spinach with olive oil and garlic first then use it as a side dish for your steak dinner. It is easy to find out which one is suitable for you by practicing how much food you like to eat before feeling full.

By.Dr.Fatma Ragab

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