How to protect knee while running?

Runner's Knee

Runner's Knee are some things you hear fairly regularly within the running world. It is something which will seriously hamper your training or leave you completely sidlined.

We are explaining what's runner's knee and what are its reasons?

Is running really bad for your knees?

If you wish to run someone has probably warned you that you're wrecking your knees.

The idea is that once you run, the flexible, tough tissue that cushions your knee joints, called cartilage, takes a pounding.

And overtime, that cartilage supposedly wears down, which makes your bones rub together and leads to the pain, stiffness and swelling of osteoarthritis.

But is that actually true?

Past studies that compared runners to non-runners, sometimes collecting data over a few decades, have found mixed results.

A few found that there is more risk of knee.

What causes Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is in specific groups of runners like in men younger than 50 who run quite 32 km per week.

But many papers comparing long-term runners to swimmers, non-runners or sedentary people didn't happen evidence that running will doom you to arthritic misery.

In some cases, runners even seemed ti be less likely to urge arthritis.

So, could running actually protect your joints?

To find out, a study published in 2016 checked out what's happening inside your knees once you run. Scientists gathered a group of male and female runners younger than 30, with no history with knee problems and brought them in for 2 experiment sessions collecting a blood sample, and a touch of synovia , the natural lubricant inside the knee hoint. Then that they had the participants spend 30 running on a treadmill at some point , and half-hour sitting another day.

Afterwards, they took more samples.

Getting a useful amount of fluid from healthy knees clothed to be tricky.

And the researchers only ended up with complete data from 6 people. But the results are still interesting.

Why arithritis was developed?

Scientists were trying to find molecules associated with inflammation,because extra inflammation has been linked to the event of arithritis.

There were also a compound called cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, or COMP, which may be a marker of arithritis if there is a bunch of it in your sunovial fuid.

After running, the themes had less of those molecules in their knees,and more in their blood's, opened up in their body.

On the opposite hand, sitting slightly increased concentration of COMP. and some other inflammatory molecules in their knees.

As a result,

It's hard to inform exactly what this suggests , but it seems that running might saueeze inflammatory compounds out of your knees, which could reduce cartilage damage.

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