There are many examples of foods that increase arthritis, and in this article we will mention the most important of them.


When suffering from arthritis, you should pay attention to the quality of the food that is eaten, as there are some foods that increase  arthritis and  in return, some other foods help reduce arthritis. Learn about them in this article:


There are many examples of foods that increase arthritis, here are the most prominent foods that increase these arthritis as follows:


1. Polysaccharides

Processed sugars release proteins that increase inflammation called inflammatory cytokines, which increases symptoms of arthritis, so it is recommended to avoid eating foods sweetened with sugars and replace them with natural sugar available in fruits.

2. Meat

Meat usually contains high levels of unhealthy fats, which makes it a major cause of increased arthritis , so you should choose lean meats as much as possible so as not to cause many health problems, including infections.


3. White flour

White flour is used in making many delicious foods, such as: baked goods, pastries, sweets, etc., and despite its distinctive taste, it can cause a high incidence of arthritis, and the main reason is the white flour used in its manufacture, in addition to the added sugars. to her.


It is preferable to use whole wheat flour instead of white flour to avoid getting arthritis and increasing its symptoms.


4. Dairy products

Sometimes some dairy products cause negative effects on rheumatoid arthritis, as the patient cannot tolerate the proteins in milk, and the body begins to form antibodies that attack these proteins.


This does not apply to all milk products. Milk can help relieve knee pain in some people with infections, while cheese exacerbates the problem and symptoms.


5. Fried foods

Fried foods contain a large proportion of unhealthy fats, which help increase inflammation in the body, and the best thing is to replace them with healthy fats that are available in some foods such as: nuts, olive oil, and fatty fish.


6. Caffeine

Consuming large amounts of caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea exacerbates rheumatoid arthritis , due to some components of coffee that produce rheumatoid factor, which increases the chances of developing the disease.


The chances of the problem increasing with the presence of other factors such as smoking and being overweight. It is also recommended not to exceed two cups of coffee per day to avoid rheumatoid arthritis.


7. Gluten

It is a sticky protein found in wheat, barley and oats, and it can help increase arthritis, and this applies to people with gluten sensitivity, as it causes digestive disorders and antibodies attack the body, which causes inflammation.


Therefore, you must make sure that you do not have gluten intolerance before eating it to avoid exacerbating the problem.


Foods that reduce arthritis

After we got acquainted with the most prominent examples of foods that increase arthritis, we must now mention some other foods that help relieve this health condition:



 Garlic has a strong effect in reducing the symptoms of arthritis, and it also enhances the health of the immune system to fight diseases.


 Ginger helps relieve symptoms of arthritis and reduce knee pain , and it is preferable to eat fresh ginger for more benefit.


 Broccoli is one of the most healthy and beneficial foods for various parts of the body, and contains important components that help reduce inflammation.


 Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids that promote joint health and protect them from infections, so it is recommended to eat it regularly.

Fatty fish :

 Fatty fish have strong anti-inflammatory effects, such as: salmon, sardines, and mackerel, because they contain omega-3 fatty acids.


 Berries are characterized by containing many important elements for joint health and protection from infections, and this applies to various types of berries.


Leafy green vegetables in general, especially spinach, contain high levels of antioxidants and plant compounds that relieve arthritis and help fight diseases.


 Grapes are one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits and have anti-inflammatory properties. They also contain compounds that are effective in treating arthritis, such as resveratrol.

Olive oil:

 Olive oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is an important healthy fat for the body and reduces the chances of arthritis.


by: Dr Asmaa Reda

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