Knee pain when squatting is the most popular problem for all people whether athlete or not, you feel pain under the kneecap or other parts of the joint.

We do squatting throughout the day to pick up or lift things and during the workout, but you will not get knee pain if you squat correctly.

What are the causes of knee pain when squatting?

There are many causes for knee pain when squatting and according to the site of pain, we can know the cause.

1- patellofemoral syndrome

Patellofemoral syndrome is one of the most common causes of knee pain when squatting.

This condition is more common with runners and jumpers so it’s sometimes called runners knee due to joint overuse which causes repetitive stress on their knee joint and irritation under the kneecap.


People with patellofemoral syndrome feel a dull aching pain in the front of the knee around the kneecap and pain increases with running, walking, sitting for long periods, walking up or downstairs, and for sure knee pain when squatting. 

Patellofemoral syndrome is more common in adolescents and young adults, it is also more common in women than males by percent 2: 1

Causes of patellofemoral syndrome 

1- Joint overuse.
2- Muscle weakness and imbalance when muscles around the knee aren’t strong enough to keep the kneecap in place.
3- Trauma such as dislocation and fracture.
4- Knee surgery as repair of the anterior cruciate ligament.

2 - patellar tendonitis

Its inflammation of the patellar tendon which connects the kneecap to the shinbone (tibia)  to extend your knee during kicking, jumping, and running with help of muscles of the front of the thigh.

Patellar tendonitis is more common in sports that require repetitive jumping such as basketball and volleyball.

Physical therapy improves patellar tendonitis as it stretches and strengthens muscles around the knee joint.

3- arthritis 

It’s the most common condition of joints that causes inflammation and pain in joints and affects all ages including children.

The most common symptoms and signs of joint arthritis are pain, swelling, redness, joint stiffness, and decreased range of movement.

Causes and types of arthritis: 

1- Osteoarthritis:

 Cartilage at the ends of the bone allows easy movement and protects joints from friction.

Osteoarthritis develops with the progress of age due to tearing off this cartilage or because of trauma or joint infection and this disease is a common cause of knee pain when squatting.

2- rheumatoid arthritis : 

It’s a defect in the immune system which attacks the joint capsule and synovial membrane lining all parts of the joint causing inflammation and swelling then destroying cartilage and bone within the joint.

3 -Septic arthritis

4- Reactive arthritis 

5- Idiopathic arthritis 

6- Gout 
An increase in the level of uric acid in the blood then precipitates in joints in the form of uric acid crystals causing inflammatory arthritis.

Purine-rich foods, alcohol, food high in fructose, obesity, medications such as diuretics are risk factors for gout.

Gout is related to other health problems such as congestive heart failure, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and kidney malfunction.

4- tears in tendon and cartilage 

Trauma is the most common cause of tears in tendons and cartilage.

The patellar tendon is the most susceptible knee tendon to tear causing severe pain, tenderness, and difficulty walking.
Physiotherapy is sometimes enough as a treatment for some cases but surgery is usually necessary.

5- Wrong squatting 

When you squat incorrectly,  you put pressure on your knee rather than the muscles of the thigh and gluteal region causing knee pain when squatting.

6- Lack of body flexibility 

You will have knee pain if the muscles of your lower limb are tight so you should work on increasing your body flexibility.

Yoga, pilates, tai chi, and stretching exercises are very useful for improving the flexibility of the body by elongating your muscles.

Flexibility is not something you can change quickly, it takes time so you need to practice often and follow the stretching program to increase range of motion and reduce the risk of injury.

Many sports will help you to improve your body flexibility such as tennis, squash, running, gymnastics, and martial arts.

A warm bath will help you to improve your body flexibility by getting relaxed muscles and it has a psychological benefit too.

How to squat without knee pain?

liver bool star Mo Salah has an incredible body due to the sharp training program and squats come in the first of this training program so we will explain how to squat correctly.

1-Before squatting 

1- Warm up before doing exercises for 5 minutes by low-impact activities such as walking in place.
2- Be fit, losing weight will decrease pressure on your joints.
3- Stretching exercises before and after a workout increases your body flexibility and decreases the possibility of injury.
4 -Increase workout intensity gradually and avoid sudden changes.
5- Wear comfortable shoes which provide good shock absorption.
7- You can use prophylactic braces during workouts to support your knee.

2- Correct squatting 

1- Start in a standing position.
2- Keep your feet shoulder-width apart 
3- During exhaling, bend the knee and lower buttocks as you are going to sit down.
4- To maintain your body balance, hold your arms out and your heels remain on the floor.
5 -Keep the buttocks above the level of the knee and then comfortably go as low as possible.
6- keep the thighs parallel to the floor and the back is straight.
7- Hips, knees, and toes should be all pointing forward.
8- Inhale and return to the standing position by keeping the buttocks tight and pushing down into the heels.
 9- You can do squatting in front of the mirror to watch your body movement and make sure you squat correctly.

3- Squats against the wall

This exercise strengthens your muscles and the wall provide support for your knee to avoid knee pain when squatting.

1- Stand with your back and shoulders flat against the wall.
2- Keep your legs about 20 inches away from the wall.
3- Keep the feet less than the hip-width apart.
4 -Exhale while sliding the back down the wall to the level above the normal sitting position and stay 5 seconds in this position then inhale and slide the back up again by using the heels and leg muscles. 
5- Repeat these 3 sets of 10 repetitions slowly and smoothly. 
6- Take care, you don't squat too low.
7- Keep the abdomen tense and the back flat against the wall.


Knee pain squats recovery


Relief of knee pain will take a long time depending on the severity of injury and treatment you choose.


You may feel better by resting and treating your knee by using home remedies for knee pain relief.


Sometimes you need to call your doctor for physical therapy or surgery which will take a long time to recover.


Should I do squats if I have knee pain?

Yes, you should do squats even if you have knee pain as exercises will help you to strengthen your muscles and support your knee joint by reducing pressure on it so it’s safe to do squatting as long as you can practice but smoothly and comfortably.


When you ask for doctor advice due to knee pain when squatting 

Knee pain when squatting alone doesn’t mean you need medical help but if you feel pain constantly or consistently, it’s time to call your doctor.

Tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, or trauma are serious conditions and need to be checked by the doctor.


Squatting is a daily activity so you need to know how to move carefully to avoid harming yourself.

If you feel knee pain when squatting try to rest and use home treatment first before seeing your doctor.

Prevention is better than cure so take care and improve your body fitness.

By. dr. Fatma.Ragab

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