knee joint is one of the most susceptible joints to injury so you need to strengthen your knee joint and muscles around the knee to protect them from injury.

The knee joint is the top of body joints as it's the largest and the most important. Also, we use the knee joint too much every day during walking, running,  climbing, and many daily activities.

knee strengthening exercises 

Exercises help your lower limb muscles to become stronger especially muscles around the knee and stabilize them and they also improve your flexibility and range of movement so they are very useful to strengthen your knee.

Contrary to what some people think when their knee joint gets injured, they avoid doing exercises but some types of exercises help to relieve knee joint pain and protect it from future injury

Before starting to do any exercises you need to ask for your doctor's advice to know if these exercises are safe for you or not according to your case.


To strengthen your knee, you need to do exercises that work on the quadriceps, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and hip muscles. 

don't forget to warm up before doing exercise for 5 to 10 minutes by low impact activities such as walking then start the workout.

1- Leg lifts

This exercise will help to strengthen your knee quickly.

Before doing exercise you need a yoga mat and comfortable sports shoes.

This exercise works on quadriceps and abdominal muscles so it will help you to get a flat stomach too.

how to do this exercise 

1-Lie down on the floor and keep your back flat.

2- Keep the left leg straight and bend the right leg slightly at the knee joint.

3- Pull The abdominal muscles inward.

4- Slowly lift the straight leg without bending the knee up to the level of the knee of the other leg and hold it up for 5 seconds then slowly lower the leg back to the flower

5- Do the same 3 times for each leg

2- Leg extensions

This exercise works on the quadriceps muscle (the front of the thigh)so it's good to strengthen your knee.

how to do this exercise 

1- Use a chair to sit down and look straight ahead.

2- Extend one leg as high as you can without raising your buttocks off the chair and keep it up for a few seconds then return it down to the floor.

3- Extend the other leg and do the same.

4- Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg.


3- Standing hamstring curls 

This exercise will strengthen your knee as it works on hamstring muscles (back of the thigh )and buttocks muscles.

How to do this exercise 

 1 -Stand straight and keep the knee 1 - 2 inches apart, you can use a stable chair for balance.

2- Bend one leg behind the body until the knee bend reaches a 90-degree angle and stay in this position for 5 seconds then return the leg to the floor

3 - Repeat these steps 3 times for each leg

4 -wall squat 

This exercise works on the other quadriceps and gluteal muscles.

how to do this exercise 

1- Stand with your back and shoulders flat against the wall.

2- Keep your legs about 20 inches away from the wall.

3- Keep the feet less than the hip-width apart.

4 -Slide the back down the wall to the level above the normal sitting position and stay 5 seconds in this position then slide the back up again. 

5- Repeat these 3 sets of 10 repetitions slowly and smoothly. 

6- Take care, you don't squat too low.

5-  Calf raises

This exercise works on the muscles of the back of the lower limb.

How to do this exercise 

1 -Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, you can use a chair for support.

2- Lift your heels until standing on the balls of your feet.

3- Slowly lower your heels back to the ground 

4- Repeat 3 groups of 10 repetitions

6- Side leg raises

This exercise works on the abductor muscles of the thigh (outer aspect of the thigh) and gluteal muscles

Abductors Muscles help you to stand, to walk, and to rotate your leg easily 


You can use a 5-pound ankle weight and gradually increase the weight to strengthen your leg muscles.

How to do this exercise 

1- Lie on your side and your legs are on top of each other.

2- Use one hand to keep your head at the same level as your body and the other hand in front of you.

3 - Raise the upper leg as high as you can comfortably and keep it up for 5 seconds then lower your leg back to the ground.

4- Do 3 groups of 10 repetitions for each leg.


Don't forget to do stretching exercises after doing these exercises to lengthen your muscles and keep them more flexible.

Other types of exercises are effective in strengthening your knees such as yoga, swimming, walking, cycling, and water aerobics.


your body is your responsibility so do your effort to keep it healthy and free from any harm and pain.

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