Some people can live with knee pain on a daily way but for others this pain becomes so sever that they can not carry out their day- to - day activities . The first thing that people go to is painkillers, sure they provide temporary relief but once your body becomes dependent on them, it is downhill from there you don't want to spend your entire life living through a bottle . So, what can you do ? Having healthy knees and muscles doesn't mean you only have to keep in shape by exercising , you also need to maintain a healthy diet. Certain food can be even more beneficial for strengthening knees and muscles than exercising.

Number five : stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is extremely important that you drink water every single day and keep yourself hydrated. This is because your body contains synovial fluid which lubricates and reduces friction between tissues and cartilage. So, keeping your body hydrated will actually synthesize the synovial fluid.
There are all sorts of other health benifits that .water has. There is a reason it is so good for us According to helpline, our bodies are made up of 60% water . That is a huge number so it is no wonder really why it's so good for us . 
Water can also help improve your physical performance and keep you energized . It plays a key role on your brain function and can also play a role in your mood because of the effect it has on energy levels.

Number four : take more vitamin C

By increasing your vitamin C intake, it will prevent the process which causes inflammation to occur in the body . The best sources of vitamin C are : strawberries, broccoli, oranges and tomatoes. These mqy not be at the top of the list of foods that you like to consume but down the road your knee, tendons, qnd ligaments will thank you for staying healthy.
Vitamin C is also a very strong antioxidant that can improve your body immune system. This is because antioxidants can help  protect cells from harmful molecules called radicals.
Radicals are known to cause oxidative stress which has been linked to certain chronic disease.
If you consume a lot of vitamin C your blood antioxidant levels can increase by up to 30% . 
Vitamin C also can help lower your body pressure , fight heart disease, and even lower the risk for heart disease .
Vitamin C can help prevent iron deficiency because it is essential in making red blood cells and helps transport oxygen throughout our body.

Number three : Add more Allium vegetables to your diet.

When we were kids we hated to eat vegetables , it got so bad that we needed to be rewarded just for finishing them.
Allium vegetables are rich in sulfur which is essential when forming collagen and other nutrients that our bones, knees, ligaments and tendons need. Extensive research has shown that when the body has low sulfur levels, the knee repair process is slowed down. 
Allium vegetables have all sorts of defining effects that can help protect against cancer and they are also great for your heart health. 

Number two : Increase your protein intake.

The best way to increase your protein intake is through seeds. They're packed up with protein and other essential nutrients . Protein will provide the body with the necessory amino acids that will synthesize the cartilage and also speed up the recovery time of lesions.
If you are not a big meat fan you can replace it with fish, nuts, and legumes.
Protein will also go along way if you are trying to increse strength and muscles. Protein is the building block of the muscles, bones, blood and skin. Not only does protein increse muscles mass and strength but it can also help you maintain muscles mass when you lose your weight .

Number one : Add bluefish to your diet

To stop the synthesize of inflammation , consume bluefish. Bluefish also prevents negative effects of oxidative process that occur during exercise on the body cell membrane as well. Try to consume bluefish twice a week , and some good sources are tuna, sardines, and salmon. Bluefish is rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D can reduce the risk of developing the flu, because it plays a key role in good bone health . You should consider adding it to your diet if you want to strengthen your knees and tougher parts of your bodies.
Now you know certain tips, foods and nutrients which can help improve your health and strengthen your knees , cartilage and ligaments.

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