A knee ligament injury occurs when one or more of the four major ligaments that hold your knee together are torn. 

Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that connect bones to other bones. 

They give your body structure and stability, much like a rope gives shape to a tent. 

If you tear ligaments in your knee, it is usually because there was too much force put on them during an accident, such as a fall or collision while playing sports. 

A knee ligament injury can be very painful and cause swelling, bruising, and stiffness in the joint.

Sometimes, a ligament can be torn. This is called a sprain. If the ligament does not heal correctly after a sprain, it may become weak and overstretched. 

This is called a strain or sometimes partial tear of the ligament. 

The most serious type of injury to your knee joint involves damage to both the ligaments and one or more of the four major bones that make up your knee joint (called cartilage). 

Sometimes this damage results in permanent arthritis of your knee joint, which causes pain and stiffness with movement.

Major ligaments of knee joint

Anterior cruciate ligament.

Posterior cruciate ligament.

Medial collateral ligament.

Lateral collateral ligament.

Causes of knee ligament injuries

Reasons for Knee Ligament Injuries. A knee ligament injury can be caused in several ways, including:

A direct blow to the knee; could easily result in an ACL tear or other injuries.

Twisting the knee while running or playing sports; places stress and pressure on your ACL.

Landing awkwardly after jumping a hurdle, diving onto a soft surface such as sand, or tripping over an object that is lying on the ground.

Stretching and straining the ligaments beyond their normal capacity.

The knee is subjected to many stresses, including trauma and sudden changes in direction. 

The knee ligaments help stabilize the joint and provide support during movement. 

Some of them are Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL): This ligament runs through the center of your knee joint, connecting bone on the front to the bone on the back. 

It helps keep your knee steady when it is bent. ACL tears most often result from a fall or jump while twisting your leg, causing injury to this ligament at its attachment site near the shinbone (tibia). 

Symptoms of knee ligament injuries

Knee ligament injuries can result in several symptoms. These include pain, swelling, and stiffness around your knee joint. You may also notice that it is difficult to move your leg or straighten or bend your knee.

The most common knee ligament injury is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. The ACL, which is located in the middle of your knee, connects the shin bone to the thigh bone. 

It stabilizes your knee joint by limiting how far it can bend and twist. A torn ACL can cause pain and swelling in your knee as well as instability or "giving way" of your knee joint. 

Other symptoms include popping or snapping sounds when you move and difficulty bearing weight on that leg.

Treatment of Knee Ligament Injuries

A knee ligament injury is a common sports injury. These types of injuries can cause pain and discomfort, especially when you try to move your leg or do physical activity. 

If you have had an injury to one of the knee ligaments, there are things you can do at home to help speed up your recovery. 

You should get medical treatment for any serious injuries, but in the meantime here are some ways that will help prevent further damage and promote healing.

Conservative treatments may include ice, anti-inflammatory medicines, physical therapy, and knee braces. 

More severe knee ligament injuries may require surgery to repair or reconstruct the torn ligament. 

Physical therapy is an important part of recovery from a knee injury because it helps you regain strength and mobility in your knee joint.

To treat a knee ligament injury, surgery may be necessary. Depending on the severity of the injury, your doctor may recommend one of several surgical procedures that can help restore stability to your knee joint and relieve pain. 

While recovery times vary from patient to patient, some types of knee ligament injuries are more easily treated than others. Your doctor will work with you as you recover so that you can get back to playing sports and living life without pain or limitations.

When you should see the doctor

If you have knee pain, you may have a ligament injury. Treatment for these injuries varies from rest to surgery. 

Regardless of the treatment method, it is important to see your doctor as soon as possible so that he or she can make an accurate diagnosis and determine if any further treatment is needed.

You should consult a physician immediately if you've injured your knee and notice that the injury is causing deformities in your leg or swelling. 

You may also need to see a doctor right away if you have pain in the back of your knee or up to your thigh. 

Knee ligament injuries are common and that is why you should see the doctor when they occur. 

A knee ligament injury will cause pain, inflammation, swelling, bruising, and difficulty bending your knee. 

If you experience any of these symptoms after an injury, then you should ask a doctor to check it out. 

How to protect yourself from knee ligament injuries?

Knee ligament injuries are common in sports, especially soccer and football. It is important to remember to stretch properly before participating in any sporting event. 

Also, playing on natural grass is better than artificial turf because the latter can be unforgiving if you land awkwardly on your knees. Wearing knee pads during games and practices may also reduce injuries. 

If you need an alternative way of exercising, try swimming or biking instead of running around a field.


Knee ligament injuries are common and can range in severity. Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that connect bones. 

Since ligaments provide stability to your knee joint, it is important to have a good understanding of what each one does and how it affects your body when injured. 

When you injure a ligament, the structure becomes unstable and may become painful over time.

By.Dr.Fatma Ragab

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